Saturday, October 12, 2013

Manmohan 'marketed poverty' before Obama, but what the Gujarat 'strongman' is doing?

PM hopeful of BJP Narendra Modi recently charged PM Manmohan Singh of marketing India’s poverty before President Obama at their meeting on Sept 28. OK. Now, let's see what Modi himself is doing. Between Sept 15 and Oct 2, Modi spoke thrice (at Rewari and Delhi rallies and at a college students’ meet in Delhi) about his tea-vendor background. Isn't it marketing of Modi's humble background to touch a chord in the common man for electoral gains. Our former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri also came from a humble background.  He lost his father when he was only one. Given Shastri’s nature one doesn’t think he had ever tried to market his humble background like Modi is doing these days.

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