Friday, April 5, 2013

We must not wait for an avatar to solve our problems

The following are my views on Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi's speech at a meeting of the Confederation of the Indian Industry (CII) on April 5. These views I shared with the participants of a debate on

Rahul's example of a country of over 100 billion waiting for a horse rider to solve its problems is quite apt. It reminds me of the words of a veteran journalist. At a public function about 6 years ago, he had said that we Indians are always waiting for some avatar to come and do miracles to solve our problems. Rahul has rightly said what matters is the thinking of 100 billion people. Modi supporters may think that Modi has the jadoo ki chadi to solve all our problems. However, I think Rahul has made a realistic understanding of the Indian psyche. Without common people's will to come out of their cocoons (as they did for the brave Delhi rape victim) to set things right, the money meant for their welfare will continue to be pocketed by politicians of all hues. Rahul has also rightly drawn our attention to education, textbooks and curricula. We all know about the commission-based selection of textbooks by schools irrespective of the books' quality. Some book publishers, sure of selling their books by paying commission, don't bother much about the content quality. Here a recent instance is of a school book which preached that non-vegetarian people do have bad character. This book was published by a reputed Delhi publisher. I think even Modi, In his heart of hearts, can't reject Rahul's views as useless.

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